Female Dysfunctional Sexual Relationships

Women’s Therapy Group


Erin Wysong-Warren, MS

More about Erin


This group is for women who want to break free from destructive relationships and/or an unhealthy preoccupation with relationship fantasy and intrigue, as well as struggling with sexually compulsive behavior.

The group is designed to create a safe atmosphere for support, growth, and healing, as well as provide tools to guide women toward authentic connection with self and others in relationships. The primary goals of the group work include identifying destructive and repetitive patterns in one’s relationship history, creating a healthy intimacy self-care plan, understanding the difference between intensity and intimacy in relationships, understanding healthy sexuality, and identifying and beginning to resolve past relational trauma. The group process includes a combination of sharing, feedback, and workbook activities. This is a great opportunity to jump-start your recovery, recommit to your recovery, or take your recovery to the next level, and is ideal for women currently working a Sex Addicts Anonymous or Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous program with a sponsor. An individual pre-screening session is required for clients not currently in individual therapy at IRR. Group Resource books include but are not limited to: Ready to Heal by Kelly McDaniel, Facing Love Addiction by Pia Mellody, The Intimacy Factor by Pia Mellody, Recovery Workbook for Love Addicts and Love Avoidants by Susan Peabody and Facing the Shadow by Patrick Carnes.

Meeting Times: TBD

Location: TBD

Meeting location details will be shared upon acceptance into group.

To be added to the list for a new group formation, or for more information:

Call: 214-906-5138

NOTE: An Individual pre-screening session is required for clients not currently in individual therapy with a therapist at IRR. Group participants will participate in individual counseling at least twice a month with their existing therapists within or outside of IRR.


Reclaiming Authenticity: Breaking Free and Facing Codependence